Directed and written by Brazilian filmmaker and artist João Vargas Penna, this 2018 documentary is a tour of the art and personality of the landscape artist and painter Roberto Burle Marx, who presents his ideas and memories in a succession of sensorial landscapes. Born in São Paulo, Burle Marx was an avid horticulturist, collector and defender of Brazil’s native flora. Burle Marx was also a prolific artist in a variety of media, the practice of which is critical to understanding his modernist approach to landscape.
To accompany the screening and following the conversation on the new Melbourne Arts Precinct development, Hassell’s Head of Design, Ben Duckworth joins for a talk. Recognised in the industry as an eloquent advocate for the problem-solving powers of design, Ben will be sharing insights on Hassell’s collaboration on Melbourne Arts Precinct’s major ecological contribution Laak Boorndap Urban Garden.