Set in 16th century Japan, Seven Samurai tells the story of a village of farmers who hire seven samurai (ronin) to protect and combat invading bandits from stealing their crops. This three-hour ride from Akira Kurosawa seamlessly weaves philosophy and entertainment, human emotions and poetic action into an unforgettable tale of courage and hope.
Seven Samurai (1954, PG) featured in Sight and Sound’s 2022 Greatest Films of All Time list at number 20. Long revered by cinephiles and filmmakers, and inspiring Hollywood epics like George Lucas’s original Star Wars trilogy, the film is a major influence of the Wu-Tang Clan's conceptual cannon.
This screening opens with an introduction from RMIT Cinema Studies academic Dr Stephen Gaunson, who will explore the film's cultural legacy and its box office status.
Presented by RMIT Culture in partnership with RMIT Cinema Studies.