Free to Feed thrive on moments that combine storytelling and communal eating. This shared table at MPavilion whisks together both. They’ll be setting up one of their famous grazing tables, which are always fragrant and brimming with dishes from around the world.
Gather for an informal lunch while newly arrived Australians from Free to Feed share their story about what true belonging can look like. Once bellies are full, the Free to Feed story sharers will invite you and others to talk about who you’ve met, share some of your takeaways, and if you’ve felt any changes in perspective. It’s a simple way to shift narratives together, with the bonus of being extremely delicious.
It's recommended you book a ticket for one and embrace the transformative opportunity to connect with new people and share stories over a meal. This is a paid event for attendees, and tickets will go towards contributing to the ingredients for Free to Feed‘s generous spread.