Find a range of outdoor clothing, backpacks, sporting equipment and outdoor gear.
Major events
From the Australian Open to the Melbourne Cup, major events take centre stage throughout the year.
Library Cinema at narrm ngarrgu
Each month, watch a movie on the big screen, including contemporary, classic and documentary films.
Kings of Comedy: Underground, Uncensored, Unrivalled
Enjoy stand-up comedy from future stars and celebrity guest headliners.
Mesa Verde
A contemporary Mexican restaurant and home to the country's largest collection of agave spirits.
Moomba Parade
The Moomba Parade returns with larger-than-life floats, dance troupes, community groups and more.
Family and kids
Find things to do with the kids, from family-friendly events to fun attractions and workshops.
What's on this weekend in Melbourne
Discover things to do in Melbourne this weekend, from free events to exhibitions.
Future Archive and Jannah Quill in Conversation
Hear a conversation with Melanie Read of Future Archive and musician Jannah Quill.
Milligram carries 50 leading international and local stationery brands, along with cards and gifts.
Melbourne is packed with restaurant options from fine dining to wine bars and casual eateries.
Rooftop at QT
A rooftop bar where you can indulge in afternoons filled with tunes to nights under city lights.
Let the hanging lanterns guide you along Little Bourke Street into Australia’s oldest Chinatown.
Aboriginal Melbourne
Find out more about Aboriginal culture through Melbourne's galleries and museums.
THE LUME Melbourne
Experience art, dining, wellness and more like never before across 3000sqm of immersive space.
Celebrate Mexico: Tequila Versus Mezcal
Enjoy a guided tasting of artisan agave-based spirits paired with gourmet Mexican canapés.
School holidays
Entertain the whole family over the school holidays with these kid-friendly events and activities.
Koorie Heritage Trust
A centre dedicated to promoting Aboriginal culture, with an exhibition space and retail shop.
RIPE Cheese
Offering over 50 varieties of Australian cheese, from the Dairy Hall at the Queen Vic Market.
Cycle shops
Good Cycles
Social enterprise selling bikes, accessories and clothing, with profits going to youth programs.
Northside Cycles
Stocks a quality range of well-priced bikes and an extensive range of parts and accessories.
Cecil Walker Cycles
Cecil Walker Cycles has supplied Melbourne riders with quality bikes since 1938.
Discover more
MMA Fight Store
A Mixed Martial Arts store featuring apparel, training equipment and health supplements.
Sporting House Direct
Offering an extensive range of sports footwear, clothing, accessories and equipment.
Helly Hansen
Outdoor adventure brand specialising in textiles and gear for indoor and outdoor sports.